Blog Archive

Tuesday 29 March 2011


With working on the skate brief I have mainly been focussing on free lance work I want to do once I have finished this course.

My original logo is below but I think as my tshirts went off with such a bang in sales I should really think about a neater way of displaying it.

The first image was how I first came to over complicate it

I chose to build up the image in layers and delete areas which I thought it was going wrong.

The detail was exactly what I wanted but I wanted to make it more complex

After gaining some feedback in a crit I was told to drop this image as it looked to corporate so I went on experimenting with different ideas.

Until I got to this point were I was happy but still thought my imagery could be pushed further.

This is when I got to this point and was very happy as the meaning of my logo is carried out. A diamond is tattooed to me and the egyptian definition of a diamond is 'Immunity from destruction' within the logo I have the diamond, the pyramid and the god like sparkle shooting off.

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