Blog Archive

Friday 3 June 2011


Rationale: Illustrative driven graphic designer that focuses on different contexts for product and distribution.

I have discovered more about design in this passed 6 months than I have ever before in a module. As far as my rationale is concerned I stuck to it throughout the FMP although on certain briefs I was not able to afford final products due to lack of funding (Brief 2 and Brief 4) in knowing this I believe that a lot of the design possibilities lacked because I knew there was no way I could produce the final outcome. It took a tutorial to really snap out of what i was doing and extend my briefs and put more of a focus on them.

I discovered a lot of valuable industry qualities during this FMP such as how to talk to clients, produce books in retail, use facilities, experiment with materials, order in bulk and wholesale. There were a lot of amazing skills I got out of this although there were a lot of mistakes that went on along the way, Brief one was a slow brief and took months to complete due to waiting for certain facilities to be used. Brief two was a similar one, I seemed to be dragging the work on forever without a focus, it was only within the last few weeks I evaluated everything and made decisions which took a lot longer than I care to admit. Brief 3 was to vague and struggled to acquire a real definition in it being a significant brief until again it was fully assessed and extended into a retail brief which focused on putting work out on the market. Brief 4 was an annoying brief due to it being live and the client had no idea what she wanted out of the brief which led to a lot of mis used designing as I produced a lot of different styled work and received no positive feedback yet no idea of what was going to be changed, in the end I took the brief where I wanted to which made me feel a lot more free to explore different possibilities and extensions.

The design context book was a strong investigation into illustration for me although there were certain disasters which happened on return of production. One of which is that a lot of the images are blurred and that the front cover is awful and pixelated when the same image had been used on the first few leaves and had came out perfect. Only after it had been printed I noticed a few mistakes and things which should have been justified yet I didn't have a problem with them when I mocked the book out in rough. If I had the chance to print again I would take more time to experiment with posable covers which would not turn out pixelated or at least complain about what happened.

Regards the briefs I would like to continue some such as brief 2, 3 and 4 after hand in to produce the 3D outcomes for my portfolio.

I found that indexhibit is an awful site to use as it has been nothing but trouble. over the passed week I have struggled accessing the CPANEL and Content, Joe Gilmore was able to help me eventually although now I cannot log into my domain, which is really annoying as I have bought the name and it is on my business card. I have put all my website contents on a substitute site located at
I am hoping I am hoping I can manage to get onto indexhibit in the next few days to either transfer all my data over or put a redirection link to my work

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