Blog Archive

Monday 16 May 2011

Brief extension

After todays tutorial and briefing it came to my attention how much I need to get a motor on and extend my briefs and document everything properly this time so a more clear story of what my ideas and how I create them is in focus, I found that with my 1st brief the gaps that were missing were visual ones, although the illustration took days to complete I needed to carry out more work on product analysis.

In order not to over extend everything, the main idea for this was to not exploit every angle as there is not enough time but to simply research 3 products which are associated with skating and vans linking them in with the gone wild theme, I chose to experiment and mock up ideas for the three products:
-Belt and buckle
-Skate bag

I straight away got a brief idea for the belt which was to have it as a snakes body and the buckle as a head clinging on to the end making a full relay.

For the skate bag, I knew it had to be simple to work and not be to over complicated, which is where I came up with the idea of the armadillo bag based around the texture and colours of an armadillo.

The glasses were an interesting concept in which I wanted them to be subliminal, the way these work is when the sun catches the reflective lens it shadows a image of an animals eyes through the lens making an animal illusion

The belt was a great thing to draw out and see in a bit more detail so I knew wether or not to keep or ditch it.

Once mocked up and laid out to a more presentational standard it was an instant yes regards to appearance and how it works on a whole.

The armadillo bag is the only one I am not sure with as it will take too long to work out which is why I think I will leave this product at the stage it is at and focus more on extending the other products I have thought of a long with the promotional work.

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